Friday, April 20, 2012

Robin's nest

April 14, 2012 Saturday, Day One. The coolest thing has happened and I'm so excited to share this story. I discovered a robin's nest with four of the prettiest blue eggs in one of our shrubs. Just outside my office window. The following morning (Sunday, Day 2) I noticed one baby bird had hatched and was quietly sleeping in the nest. I decided to set up my camera to document this event.

Mother Robin in the nest

Day 3, Mother Robin continues to sit on her eggs as well as keep the little bird warm in the nest. No activity from the other eggs. I'm beginning to worry why the other eggs haven't hatched yet. She leaves the nest for only a few minutes at a time to find worms for her baby bird. Father Robin is perched high on the roof keeping a watchful eye.

Day 4, It has begun to rain. Mother Robin spreads her wings over the nest to keep the baby bird dry. Such a precious moment to witness the tenderness and love of the Mother Robin sheltering her baby from the cold and rain.

Both parents gather various types of worms and bugs. Taking turns feeding their offspring.  As baby bird increases in size so does the size of the worms and the amount of feedings required for his care.

Day 6, Mother Robin rests quietly on the nest while baby bird is under her snug as a bug after his morning feeding.

Father God is amazing; He has instilled his loving nature into all He has created. I wonder at the beauty and work of His hands. I feel honored and privileged for the opportunity to observe this awe-inspiring event. 

Father Robin has returned to the nest with some worms to feed baby Robbie. Mother Robin takes off to gather some food for herself. Father Robin has called out loudly several times now but she has not returned yet. He is definitely becoming impatient. His body language is definitely irritated.  He cleans the nest and has checked the baby bird repeatedly. Finally he resigns himself to rest on the nest. laughing to myself it is very obvious Father Robin is definitely irritated that mother is taking her time getting back to the nest. The very moment she returns to the nest he takes flight.

Robins are amazing birds and take wonderful care of their offspring. Both parents work as a team gathering food for their little bird. Each one taking turns to feed him and clean the nest. When the mother is away the father keeps a watchful eye over his baby and the UN-hatched eggs until she returns. It is interesting to note the feeding schedule of the little bird is about every 15 minutes.

Day 10 baby has his feathers. Isn't he cute! Waiting patiently for mother bird to bring him breakfast. He is growing so fast, it amazes me. I love his little spiked hair feathers...too cute. My husband named him Robbie the Robin. The other three eggs failed to hatch...very sad. Robbie is the only off spring that survived hatching.
Look how tall he is when he stands up in the nest for his feeding. He is almost as tall as his Momma. Observe she is standing on the edge of the nest. I just love his little knobby knee... precious.  He is 10 days old here.
All grown up and ready to fly

Final posting on baby bird. Day 12, I found the nest empty. My heart is sad but I knew this day would come when Robbie would try his wings and leave the nest.

Later that afternoon I discovered Robbie and his mother on the ground beneath some shrubs. She is trying to get him to fly. He is struggling and seems to be having difficulty. He can only fly a few feet at a time. Mother Robin is staying close by his side coaxing him. She continues to bring him food to keep up his strength. Finally I can't stand it any longer and reach down and pick him up. I place him in the pine tree near the house. I was afraid the dogs would see him on the ground and harm him. Robbie clings to the branch and seems quite content to stay in the pine tree to his mother's displeasure. She wants him to fly.

Day 13, Robbie is still in the pine tree along with his mother. He is flexing his wings for flight. It won't be long now. I took some final shots of Robbie and said goodbye. Observing a robin's birth and nesting activities has been an incredible adventure for me. Through this experience; I've seem a glimpse into the wonders of God's love for all creation. Truly a blessing and so very thankful. 

Stretching his wings....bye bye birdie.  

New posting as of 4/2013...One morning I was in my office when I looked out my window and there on the tree shrub where Robbie bird was born was a Male robin. I walked over to the window to take a better look at him. He just stood there staring at me through the window. Then all of a sudden he flew directly at the window, hit it and flew away. I like to believe that was my Robbie bird checking out the old homestead; and in God's special way He was letting me know Robbie bird is doing fine. A beautiful gift from my heavenly father; thank you Lord.

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